My Pitch Design was originally of a lonely young girl who longed for adventure and companionship. On her way back from school she comes across an antiques shop with a very mysterious looking book inside. Urged by her curiosity she inspect the book were a an old man appears as the shop owner and engages in conversation with her about the book and quickly encourages her to take the book home with her as she would benefit from reading it. She takes the book home and begins to read unaware that as soon as she reads the first line she is sucked into the book with her teddybear. Her teddy bear comes to life and she finds her self in fairy tale land where she encounters many interesting creatures as she embarks on a adventure. She must find the next book in the realm to progress to the next world in hope to find her way back home however a darker force stirs in the realms with their gaze fixed upon the real world.
Character Designs
Sarah and Bun Bun
The initial Idea of Sarah and BunBun is an average art student on her way to bed is sucked into her computer screen by the click of a mouse from a mischievous rabbit who is also sucked into the screen. She is teleported into the Harry Potter world alongside her rabbit who becomes a standing talking side kick who's middle name is clumsiness and stupidity. Sarah and BunBun learn the must reach the dreaded X that live sin the top of each world to progress from one to the other however a evil force called the anon a re trying to infect the worlds and consume them in their evil. Sarah and BunBun teacup with characters from the various worlds they visit into order to stop the anon threat and find their way back home.
The inspiration comes from Kingdom Hearts The successful Anime meets Disney game where the character travels from one Disney world to another sent by the king Micky Mouse to stop the evil Heartless from taking over the worlds.
Kingdom Hearts
The parody and humour inspires from How it should have ended where the youtube channel makes animations from big pop culture films, games, series and makes a parody of how they thought they should have ended in a humours way.
How it should of ended
The worlds and the the anon evil anon aspires from the anonymous attacks people make on the blog site Tumblr. Th worlds aspire from the randoms for shows, series and games users are fans of.
We first began creating character concepts
Character Designs
I began by designing a character design for the rabbit following his characteristics.
Know it all sophisticated Aristocrat Style Character
Clumsy Simple minded and Confident without any substance
I was instructed to continue with the character designs since we and been instructed Hogwarts was the first world in the first episode i designed characters from Hogwarts.
I played with a Cute and simple design to find a consistent style.
I chose big eyes to express emotions easier and innocent likeable characters.
Male StudentFemale student
The Director posed that I test the concept with a Hogwarts House Scarf
Whilst I was given free roam to explore and experiment with characters I designed a stylised teacher character to play with the different mythological creatures whilst still staying true to the Harry Potter law.
Dans Sarah and BunBun Designs with weapons
Dans Anon Designs
Jades Vision
Jade inspected the designs of the anon and designed the anon from her vision to proved Dan more insight into what she wanted.
Dans Redesigns
I was requested to do some first initial design concepts with colour of a selection of characters from the chosen Fandom's .
My design of Sarah
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Design
Dumbledore Headmaster of Hogwarts Design
Aslan The Lion Design
Radagast The Brown Wizard Design Coloured By Dan
Dans Designs
Laurens Designs
Between myself Lauren and Dan we created a character lineup with the selected characters to try to create a consistent design style.
Jade provided the group with an introduction script so i could get to work on the storyboard.
The production schedule was written with the respected job roles and deadlines
Due to lack of direction and structure we spent the first 2 weeks design characters we were behind schedule and myself and Dan between us created an animatic following the script we were given.
Storyboard/ Animatic Shots
My Shots
Dans Shots
After the presentation we received positive and constructive feed back but we lacked that sense of direction and team work. The director stated that the designs we created did not represent her vision so we sat down as a group and redesigned the characters to a consistent design style and quality. With time scale and the ambitious design we decided the best way to create a piece that will explain what the story is about whilst fitting all the different randoms, characters environments in was to create a trailer. the trailer would give a impact of many complex animations whilst telling the story leaving the audience ready to go straight to the website and watch!
Redesigns as a group
Lauren Designed Sarah and Dumbledore
Jade designed Buffy
I designed Aslan with a loser style that I later changed to slightly to give the character more presence to stay true to the original character.
Dan Designed Radagast the Brown and Dr Who to fit the design style.
Final Designs
Once we all agreed on a design style and were happy with the final design we restricted final character sheets with expressions for each character
Sarah Expressions
Jade Designed Anya but she we taken out later due toeing only an extra character
Jade created a final turn around for Laurens design
Jade designed Expressions for Buffy and Anya however Anya was ;ayer taken out
I created The final Design for Aslan with Expressions
Later I was instructed to animate the scenes for Jade due to a worry of lack of consistency so I redesigned Buffy to fit the constant style.
Dan Designed the final character sheets for Dr Who, Radagast the Brown and The Anons.
Dan Designed the final character sheets for Dr Who, Radagast the Brown and The Anons.
Group Sheet
Environment Designs
Lauren was given the take to create all of the environment designs for each shot ready for the final animations
Storyboard Shots for Animation
We created a shot list with a colour key for each group member to create clear overview of what each group member was doing.
The new shots were storyboarded for the trailer so we had a clear reference to work from.
My Shots
Radagast Spell Blast
Lion 1
Aslan paws run 1
Lion 2
Aslan run up a cliff shot 2
Lion 3
Aslan Final jump on cliff and raw Shot 3
Dans Shots
Radagast Spell of Concealment in Dogaldor
Radagast Spell of Concealment in Dogaldor
Dr Who, Sarah and Anon Fight sequence in the Tardis
Dumbledore and Anon Spell clash in Underground Hall
I had initially intended to add this scene in once cleared but the lion scenes flowed well with it.
Rough Animation
My rough animation of the Brown wizard doing the spell blast with a glow effects added in Adobe Flash.
Effects for the Staff Blasts
During production we found we had some scenes with spells that needed to have a lot of impact and display power so through my experimenting with effects I added effects to Dans Radagast scene by adding a blast of light and release of energy with further animation and glow effects. This same technique was added into my Radagast spell blast.
Spell of Concealment
Spell Blast
My Final Scenes
I was finally finished with my shots ready for Lauren to add backgrounds.
Aslan Shot 1
Aslan Shot 2
Aslan Shot 3
Change in jobs
Due to worry of lack of consistency in the animation The director had, we decided that the job roles would change to Jade in charge of art working and I would take Jades scenes and animate them for her. The introduction scene of Sarah walking, The charge between Buffy and Sarah and the 2 broom stick scenes.
Intro Scene
Charge Scene
Broom Scene 1
Broom Scene 2
Dumbledore Extra Test Scene Unused in Final
I was initially meant to finish the Dumbledore fire storm scene as a climax to Dans clash of spells duel with anon but due to the extra scenes I was given in late stage of the project I had to abandon this scene.
When discussing as a group and with Tony and Meg we all felt the trailer needed a voice over to add a sense of drama and explain more to viewer so the director wrote a short voice script and we sought the talents of Damon Winterburn to bring the script to life
Final Script
Voice Acting Script
Production Diary
Final Animatic
Final Animation Sarah And BunBun
Special Thanks to Damon Winterburn for providing the voice over